Building a Pwdr Model 0.1
Building a model 0.1 Pwdr machine is pretty easy. Gather all the materials you need (there is a Bill of Materials at the bottom of this page) and start building! Below, you'll find instructions for the assembly of the chassis, XY gantry and pistons. Use the electrical scheme on GitHub to create the electronics the schematics on this page only give you a rough overview. The tools you need to build a Pwdr machine are a set of hex keys and screwdrivers, soldering iron and a pair of pliers. Currently not included in the Bill of Materials are the cables, I assume you have some cables in your workshop or else will find some cables that fit.
Chassis, part 1

Chassis, part 2

Powder pistons

Belt tensioner

Y-carriage, left

Y-carriage, right



Schematic electronics

Electronics layout
Detailed version on GitHub

Bill of materials
Description | Supplier | Part Nr. | # | Costs DOL | Costs EUR |
Acrylic GS 790x384 8mm | Formulor | - | 4 | €278.59 | |
Acrylic GS 384x384 5mm | Formulor | - | 1 | €44.50 | |
Timing pulley GT2 ∅9.6mm 6mm | SDP-Si | A 6A51M015DF0604 | 10 | $97.10 | |
GT2 Timing belt 2218mm | SDP-SI | A 6R51MB09060 | 1 | $11.95 | |
GT2 Timing belt 112.00mm | SDP-SI | A 6R51M056060 | 1 | $3.96 | |
GT2 Timing belt 130.00mm | SDP-SI | A 6R51M065060 | 1 | $1.39 | |
Ball bearing ∅8mm 2mm | SDP-Si | A 7Y 5MF0804G | 6 | $56.82 | |
Precision Shaft ∅4mm 260mm | SDP-SI | S40PX0MHG4M-260 | 1 | $6.85 | |
Precision Shaft ∅6mm 220mm | SDP-SI | S40PX0MHG6M-220 | 2 | $19.44 | |
Precision Shaft ∅10mm 210mm | SDP-SI | S40PX0MHGAM-210 | 1 | $11.17 | |
Precision Shaft ∅4mm 25mm | SDP-Si | S40PX0MHG4M-025 | 3 | $13.26 | |
Precision Shaft ∅8mm 500mm | SDP-SI | A 7X 1M080500 | 2 | $26.82 | |
Sleeve bearing ∅12.70mm 4mm | SDP-SI | A 7Z44MPSD04MAF | 4 | $5.24 | |
Sleeve bearing ∅15.90mm 8mm | SDP-Si | A 7Z41MPSB08M | 4 | $6.24 | |
Sleeve bearing ∅12.70mm 6mm | SDP-SI | A 7Z41MPSB06M | 6 | $8.34 | |
Fastenings M3*12 | Farnell | 1420685 | 1 | €14.61 | |
Fastenings M4*12 | Farnell | 1420691 | 1 | €10.19 | |
Squarre nut M3 | Farnell | 1419469 | 1 | €5.26 | |
Square nut M4 | Farnell | 1419471 | 1 | €5.41 | |
$268.58 | €348.80 | ||||
Subtotal Mechanical ($1,00 = €0,77) | €568.76 | ||||
Description | Supplier | Part Nr. | # | Costs DOL | Costs EUR |
Arduino Mega 2560 A000047 | Farnell | 1848688 | 1 | €59.29 | |
Arduino Mega Proto Shield A000038 | Farnell | 1848698 | 1 | €7.24 | |
0.1uf Capacitor | Farnell | 1666070 | 1 | €0.36 | |
1.0uf Capacitor | Farnell | A104K15X7RF5TAA | 1 | €0.22 | |
240 ohm Resistor | Farnell | 9342885 | 1 | €0.04 | |
4K0 ohm Resistor | Farnell | PTF564K0000BYEK | 1 | €1.42 | |
Darlington Array ULN2003 | Farnell | 1094421 | 2 | €2.20 | |
Linear voltage regulator LM317T | Farnell | 9756027 | 1 | €0.85 | |
Socket FCC Molex | Faranell | 526101671 | 1 | €2.67 | |
Linear position drive LS41 | Nanotec | LS4118S1404-T6x2-150 | 2 | €173.80 | |
Lead screw nut | Nanotec | LSNUT-T6X2-F | 2 | €19.80 | |
Nanotec Stepper Size 42 | Farnell | ST4209S1006-B | 3 | €111.09 | |
BigEasy Driver | SparkFun | ROB-10735 | 2 | $45.90 | |
EasyDriver Stepper Motor Driver | SparkFun | ROB-10267 | 3 | $44.85 | |
HP Black Cartridge C6602A | Transactsupplies | 98-01570 | 1 | $15.54 | |
HP Cartridge Assembly Q2347A | Transactsupplies | 200-00299 | 1 | $8.25 | |
Power supply 24V | Farnell | 1279512 | 1 | €12.23 | |
ATX power supply 1500W 15A | Farnell | 1277264 | 1 | €22.05 | |
OPTIONAL: Flat cable connector | Newhaven Display | NHD-FFC16-1 | 1 | $10.00 | |
$124.54 | €413.26 | ||||
Subtotal Mechanical ($1,00 = €0,77) | €501.46 | ||||
Total, excluding shipping | €1,077.49 |